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  Re: (Fwd) Re: A. titanum
From: Sue <suez at northcoast.com> on 1999.07.15 at 05:11:31(3512)

Thank you for responding.

> I simply put them on top of a well drained
> mix and viola one year
> later the A. titanum germinated and 1 1/2 years later
> the A. gigas
> germinated.

Did you cover the pot with anything, and did it 'stay' really humid and
warm in the pot for the one year period, or did you leave the pot open
and water often? Did you keep the pot in a greenhouse, or indoors in a
nice warm spot? I guess I'm trying to determine if it will endure the
confined, humid, very warm conditions in a fine seed starting mix in
case it doesn't germinate within a few weeks. I don't think seed
starting mix would be considered 'well drained'? Could it be a race
between germination or rot in this case? What about any needs for
sulphur to prevent any molds? A good idea, or not? Any and all
responses extremely welcome. Remember, I'm denser than the seed.


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