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  Re: (Fwd) Re: A. titanum
From: Sue <suez at northcoast.com> on 1999.07.15 at 13:55:23(3516)

Thank you for your input.

> Regards further cultural info, I'll defer to others,
> except to say that
> titanum seedlings do not seem to like any weather
> cooler than 60F.

The temp. in the pot is 80F. this evening and probably warmer during the
day. Added to that is lots of moisture. The seed, though just sitting
on top of soil, is wet to say the least. I look at it quite often which
lets air in, but might it need more air circulation to prevent rot?
What do think about using a rot deterent? It probably wouldn't need it
if I got the conditions right, but I'm not sure what those are.

> (PS - how is the Anthurium halmoorei
> doing?)

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