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  Re: Amorph. titanum at Huntington BG
From: markdim at azstarnet.com (Mark A. Dimmitt) on 1999.07.29 at 13:35:01(3543)
>I think they got their dormant tuber from Mark Dimmitt this last spring.

That is correct. I posted to this group last year as to what to do when
such a plant outgrows one's greenhouse. This was my solution. If I had
known that it would flower instead of put out a new, larger leaf, I might
have kept it. At least this way many more people will get to see it. (But
now I have an 8-hour drive to go see it, and only if it's on the weekend
when I can get away.)

I sowed the seed in June 1993, so it is exactly six years old.

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