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Re: Colocasia care
From: "Mr R.a McClure" Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1999.08.23 at 01:49:07(3594)
> In the spring I bought a colocasia esculenta "Fontanesii", my first ever
> aroid. The plant seems rather uncommon in the UK, but with the hot summer
> up till August, it's grown very well in a pot outside and has put out many
> 'runners'. These are shoots coming from the base, and radiating out just
> above surface level. What should I do with these runners? They don't seem
> particularly keen to bury themselves - should I cover them up? I'm assuming
> that they're linked to vegetative reproduction, and I'd certainly like to
> have a few more plants.
> Any advice gratefully received, thankyou.
The long runners will soon swell at the ends into new 'bulbs'.
Cover or bury these a little and they will form their own roots and
shoot. You can then cut them from the parent plant to repot or move
or just let them form a very handsome large clump as they do here in
zone 9 Melbourne.
Keep them moist and fertilized when in active growth, they love it .
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Biological Sciences
Monash University, Clayton 3168
e-mail: Rob.McClure@sci.monash.edu.au
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