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Lazy Lysichitum-
From: Bob Burns bobburns61 at yahoo.com> on 1999.08.30 at 00:50:19(3604)
Dear Aroiders;
I'm the one who back in the spring asked for
help getting Lysichitum to grow for me. I have one
small plant each of the two species, both in a soggy,
shady spot near a spring where other swamp plants like
Louisiana iris and white callas thrive. The
Lysichitums just seem to maintain, with small new
leaves growing out and older ones dying about as fast.
Someone suggested they need more fertilizer (somewhat
surprising, given 4 ft. tall callas right nearby), so
I mulched around them both with composted horsemanure.
This seemed to perk them up for a little while, but
now they are asleep again. Is it maybe they need
more sun? Or closer to the spring and stream where
the water runs a little? These two were pricey- at
least to my budget, and I really don't want to lose
them. As it is now, they are so small that an
adventurous slug could probably finish them. Maybe I
should get them out of the swamp and pot tem and
cosset them to a larger size?
Thanks much for any advice..
Bob Burns (bobburns61@yahoo.com)
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