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Re: Edible Taro
From: "J D Prince" Nestlebrae.Exotics at xtra.co.nz> on 1999.10.05 at 22:22:02(3694)
Edible taro is Colocasia esculenta and its subspecies which have an enormous
variety of names depending on where you are in the world. According to
"Queer gear: how to buy and cook exotic fruit and vegetables" by Carolyn
Heal and Michael Allsop, who are writing about things likely to be found in
the U.K., Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum is called eddoe, C.e. var.
sculenta is dasheen, but both are also called taro. In the Pacific Islands
there are probably hundreds of different "varieties". Fijians alone
recognise more than 80 different sorts, so what you saw is probably one of
them. If you kept it warm and moist it would probably sprout and grow. You
can eat the leaves of them as well as the tubers, though both are somewhat
of an acquired taste: the tubers are much drier than potatoes.
John Prince & Rosemary Steele,
Nestlebrae Exotics, 219 South Head Road, Parkhurst,
R.D.1 Helensville, New Zealand 1250.
| +More |
phone (64) (09) 420 7312
website: http://www.helensville.co.nz/nestlebrae.htm
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