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Re: Seed trouble
From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 2000.03.04 at 17:23:03(4144)
In a message dated 3/4/00 11:09:05 AM Central Standard Time,
SelbyHort@aol.com writes:
<< Priority is a step above Express in the USPS system for
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pricing and expediting mail. >>
I do not think this is so. Express costs you two arms and three toes. It is
the fastest service. Priority is the step down at a reasonable cost and it is
a good deal, no doubt. Top of the line is Express, step child down but good,
This is just the way it is with domestic Express Mail and Priority mail.
Express is very expensive and generally overnight, priority is what first
class used to be at fifty times the price. Most of you are not old enough to
be aware of that so no comments from the peanut gallery with that remark. If
you can't say kind words in reference to age, then say nothing.
Half kidding,
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