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Re: Seed trouble
From: "Joan F. Wall" jfwall at mindspring.com> on 2000.03.05 at 23:02:53(4158)
Service was not only better but we got two deliveries a day!
| +More |
At 09:58 PM 3/4/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Both of you are kids...... I remember when postage for a first class
>letter was *THREE CENTS* and a post card was *A PENNY*. Now, your talking
>old!!!!!! Also, service was better then and no one killed their fellow
>>Priority is what first class used to be at fifty times the price. Most of
>>you are not old enough to be aware of that so no comments from the peanut
>>gallery with that remark. If you can't say kind words in reference to age,
>>then say nothing.
>>Half kidding,
>>Gee, I remember when mail was delivered twice a day (in Trenton, NJ), once
>>on Saturday. If you dropped a letter in the corner mail box in the
>>morning, it would be delivered that afternoon in the city. How old does
>>that make me?
>Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
>Your Source for Tropical Araceae
>Go to
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