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Re: AMORPHOPHALLUS @ Fairchild Tropical Garden
From: Neil Carroll zzamia at hargray.com> on 2000.04.26 at 22:50:02(4435)
----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: AMORPHOPHALLUS @ Fairchild Tropical Garden
| +More |
> The first person to distribute hybridised Amorphophalluses will have to
> watch his/her back for the rest of his/her life..................or must
> learn all twohundred REAL species by heart!!!!!
> Wilbert
If documented, what is the problem with trying to hybridize Amorphophallus?
(BTW the plural of Amorphophallus is Amorphophallus)
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