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Re: Hybrids
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (plantnut) on 2000.05.02 at 02:39:25(4506)
Regarding civilization.... and cultivation... A friend of mine put it
very well when she said..... "When God invented plants.... K-Mart was
closed and He couldn't get any pots....."
Now you know the reason they grow in the 'wild'.
| +More |
>> 5. I agree with Bjoern that artificial hybrids are against nature. But, in
>> my opinion, civilization is against nature! You just can't stop it...
>Ah, this is great. Civilisation is against nature. Glad to hear somebody say
>this. I don't know if I would formulate it this drastically but it is what I
>said about the difference between "chance" hybridisation in nature and
>"intentional" hybridisation in civilisation. Eduardo, I get the feeling you
>agree with me more than your previous message led me to believe.
Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
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