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Re: AMORPHOPHALLUS @ Fairchild Tropical Garden
From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 2000.05.02 at 21:58:38(4515)
Just a note about Bonaventure's example with the A. Bloody Giant 'The Best'.
To register a cultivar, you will need to select a clone from the cross and
apply a cultivar name. Unfortunately you can't use names like 'The Best', or
'Biggest and Greatest' or anything like that when officially registering your
Please check with me if you have questions about naming your cultivars and
getting them registered.
Donna Atwood
Selby Gardens
| +More |
811 S. Palm Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34236
<< for example you may, if you choose to do so, in some centralized registry
aroid hybrids, register Amorphophallus Bloody Giant [A.(gigas x
In this case pollen was donated by the haematospadix. My clone of course
be A. Bloody Giant 'The Best' (note single quotation marks). The offspring
be all individual clones with variability and any vegetative propagation of
y will still carry the clonal name. Offspring of a self pollination would be
labeled as A. Bloody Giant ('The Best' x self) and can each be given
clonal names. Offspring of a sibling cross, eg. 'The Best' x 'FTG's
Super-vigorous' would still be considered of the same grex, that is
Amorphophallus Bloody Giant.
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