From: SelbyHort at on 2000.06.12 at 19:50:38(4736)
Probably you will want to add to your growing library the "Genera of the
Araceae." (aka "the Bible")
We just had a discussion on this newslist about the differences between
Rhaphidophora and Monstera about two weeks ago in relation to the dwarf
Monstera issue. You might check back in the aroid-l archives and locate Peter
Boyce's discussion of these differences. I am including here his comments
made on June 1:
"Rhaphidophora and Monstera are, indeed, separated on fruit
characteristics. Rhaphidophora has it's seeds (usually many,
occasionally as few as four) arranged in two ranks running up the
walls of the fruit and the mature seeds have endosperm; Monstera
has few seeds (four, occasionally less), arranged in pairs in the
middle of the fruit and the mature seeds lack endosperm."
Other than that the above mentioned fruit differences, they are very closely
related genera and vegetatively are not very different. Don't worry about
your confusion! Very few of us would be able to easily distinguish the two
genera without knowing anything about where the plant originated.
Donna Atwood
Selby Gardens