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Would you please forward this on to Aroid-L?
Thanks, Scott
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 16:06:00 -0700
Subject: "accidental epiphyte"
I am finishing an invited paper for the journal BIOTROPICA on the
terminology of canopy biology. I am wondering whether there is such a
thing as a vine (or similarly a 2ndary hemiepiphyte) that can be an
"accidental epiphyte" by sprouting sometimes in the canopy say in the
soil of a branch crotch, rather than on the ground. In flooded or
innundated forests this might even be common, I should think.
I'm hopeful you can send this question out to the aroid community in
case anyone has seen examples. This would be a new and interesting type
of behavior.
I'll send the same e-mail to Don Burns in case you are not around.
Would love any thoughts on this.
Mark W. Moffett
respond to:
University of California at Berkeley, Integrative Biology