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Re: A. titanum
From: Tim & Mary McNinch Newton at coiinc.com> on 2000.06.28 at 03:35:04(4936)
Just catching up on mail.
I visited the Atlanta Botanical Gardens last week and saw the wilting
remnants of
the A. titanum that bloomed one week ago. Even as a 'smaller' bloom than
the one
they bloomed last year it was still amazing. I walked beneath the 15' leaf
of the
sister plant last summer that was on display in the tropical rooms. Trying to
explain the plant to other, non-interested friends back home, I knew it was
in translation and I was written off as an idiot.
As I stood near the bloom I watched other people come and go and look at the
display. Most were unimpressed as they had no idea the significance of what was
before them. A few, however, knew exactly what they were seeing as the smiles
appeared and cameras came out.
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SelbyHort@aol.com wrote:
> Hey Neil,
> Sorry you are fed up with Amorph. titanum but it is one of those charismatic
> plants that never fails to capture the public's imagination. It is true, one
> can get too much of a good thing. But this plant is one that can draw in a
> novice or even a person who is not especially interested in plants and that
> is a huge accomplishment. For all those Amorphophallus connoisseurs, there
> are all the other wonderful and amazing species. Just feel smug that you have
> reached that level of appreciation!
> I am wrapping up work on an Amorphophallus titanum CD that will showcase all
> of the US flowerings as well as a few in Europe. I hope that all you
> Amorphophallus snobs are not too jaded to enjoy this!
> Donna Atwood
> <<
> I truly do like amorphophallus but have had it up to my eyeballs with A.
> titanum. There is a ton of web sites articles, a cd, and a bunch of press
> on A.titanum. Enough already. What about all of the other species? There are
> many, many more with much more beautiful foliage and much more beautiful
> inflorescence. I guess we are just all too enamored with the hugeness of A.
> titanum.
> >>
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