"Angra dos Rios" 16
AAV: "Looks like a self-heading species, but creeps. Elongated heart-
shaped leaves look highly waxed, with prominent midvein."
bipinattifidum 8
NGE: "is a short-stemmed species with large divided leaves and a spathe
or calla-like flower bract about 8 in. long, reddish-brown on
the outside and whitish within."
IEG: "from Southern Brazil, has short, erect stem and leaves about
2 ft. long that are twice-lobed and are dark green with
prominent veins. This kind grows slowly."
cordatum(oxycardium) 15
AAV: "parlor ivy, heart-leaf philodendron -- Best known vine with
glossy green leaves four inches long in youth, up to a foot
or more with age and good culture. ... It will hang, trail
creep, or climb -- but prefers the last."
crassinervium 18
AAV: "Creeper with slim, rounded leaves shaped like a turkey feather,
rounded and raised midvein dotted with red."
erubescens 15
AAV: "Shield-shaped leaves nearly a foot long, green with a coppery
sheen, and thinly edged with red; burgundy-lined underneath.
It makes new roots with every new joint."
IEG: "a native of Colombia, is a free-growing climber that has medium-
sized arrow-shaped leaves that have coppery underside."
SCH: "Climbing: lvs. elongated ovate-triangular, 6-8 in. long,
4-6 in. wide: spathe black-purple."
giganteum 40
IEG: "from the West Indies, is an upright grower with its stem joints
close together. The broad ovate-heart-shaped, shining leaves
are rich green and have lighter, depressed veins."
NGE: "is a climber with leaves to 3 ft. long and 2 ft. wide. The
spathe is almost a foot long, purplish outside and red within."
grandifolium 40
NGE: "is also a climber, with arrow-shaped leaves 2 ft. or more long,
and a yellowish spathe."
hastatum 15
AAV: "Florists' favorite totem climber with slim, shield-shaped
leaves and raised veins."
IEG: "is a Brazilian with bright green, arrow-shaped leaves, a
imbe 8
AAV: "Paper-crisp, slender shield leaves with outstanding veins, lined
with wine beneath; called the 'most climbing' species."
IEG: "is a stout climber from Rio de Janeiro. It has pointed, lance-
shaped leaves that are green above and red beneath."
pittieri 30
AAV: "Totem-climber with heavy, glossy, heart-shaped leaves lighter-
than-usual green. One of the more tolerant types."
selloum 9
AAV: "Will grow like the self-heading types, a tree, or a hanging
vine. Extra-large deep-green leaves are finely divided into
points, then divided again."
IEG: "is stemless or has but a short stem. It is a native of
Paraguay and Brazil and bears large, long-stalked, deeply
lobed, deep green leaves."
speciosum 40
SCH: "Stems tall, arborescent: petioles terete at the base, concavo-
convex above, twice as long as the midrib; blade triangular-
oblong-ovate, bright green, acuminate, deeply sagittate, the
basal lobes rhomboidal, obtuse, abruptly narrowed on the inner
side above the middle: spathes thick, green with purple
margins; spadix finger-shaped, shorter than the spathe.
S. Brazil."
wendlandii 35
IEG: "a Costa Rican kind, does not climb but forms a `bird's nest'
type of plant, with its short-stemmed, paddle-shaped, green
leaves spreading upwards and outwards from a common center."
AAV: All About Vines and Hanging Plants; Brilmayer, Bernice, 1962.
IEG: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gardening; Everett, T.H., ed,. 1964.
NGE: The New Garden Encyclopedia; Seymour, E.L.D., ed., 1942.
SCH: The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture; Bailey, L.H., 1922.