From: Steve Marak samarak at> on 2000.08.04 at 03:25:21(5227)
Re the scent of Typhonium violifolium, I can't comment directly, as mine
haven't yet shown growth. I can add to the stories of how variable human
noses are at detecting various scents, however. I can detect scents such
as Dracunculus and the typical Amorph at much greater range than my wife,
while there are some azaleas that have a wonderful fragrance to both of us
and others that only she can smell. You'll notice that it's my luck to
have greater sensitivity to the unpleasant odors, with the notable
exception of Plectranthus, which has no aroma to most people I've asked,
but is quite pleasant and distinctive to my mother and me.
As to hardiness of Typhoniums, I will add horsfieldii to my want list
What about T. diversifolium and T. alpinum? I'm looking at a line in
Deni's book (first edition, of course) referencing locations in the
Himalayas between 2500 and 4300 meters for the former, and 4000 meters for
the latter. Comments, anyone, or more precise location data? (Wilbert,
please don't tell me you've killed off these species somehow! I'm still
mourning the impending death of Sauromatum!)
Of course, if anyone should have sources of these species, or in the
interest of scientific observation care to send me samples to trial here
in NW Arkansas, I would be most grateful.
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