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Re: Colocasias
From: Jose Almandoz jose at almandoz.com> on 2000.08.07 at 20:39:13(5256)
GeoffAroid@aol.com wrote:
> Try Mulu Nurseries in the UK, Burford House, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire
> WR15 8HQ
> Tel: +44 (0)1584 811592; web: www.mulu.co.uk. They have a good selection of
> Alocasia/Colocasia and others and do export to Europe. Good web-site.
Hi Geoffrey,
What a wonderful address...THANK YOU!!!. I've bookmarked the website, and I
guess I will try an order...
| +More |
San Sebastian, Basque Country, 43.3?N 2.0?W
Coastal Northern Spain, SW Europe
Z9, rainy oceanic climate
E-mail: jose@almandoz.com ICQ: 2546223
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