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  Re: non-aroid question
From: Don Martinson llmen at execpc.com> on 2000.08.20 at 06:26:05(5294)
>A friend of mine asked for help identifying the disease on some of
>his ... water hyacinths. They were supposedly doing perfectly fine
>in the pond from which he got them. He says that within just a
>couple days, the leaves began to turn white and all growth stopped.
>Here's a photo of the dwindling plants:
>Given the variegation (especially that on the two-tone leaf), I
>thought this might be a virus. Does anyone out there have any other
> Les


I note that in the photo, they are apparently growing in some rapidly
moving water, which is not where you generally find them. I also
note the elongated petiole on the older leaves, suggesting they might
have been grown in different light levels. Still, the variegation
suggests the possibility of a virus. If so, hurry up and patent it
so you can sell it as a biological control!

Don Martinson

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