IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: A. bulbifer question
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2000.09.03 at 01:46:12(5329)
>Will I develop a larger bulb if I prune the new growth?

No. Laeves produce energy that assists the tuber formation, leave it alone!

>Actually, I also have an A. bulbifer question. I am not exactly what one
would call an "aroidiphile", but I have a few aroids, A. bulbifer among
them. This is my first season with this plant, and, true to its name, it
made a little bulbil at the center of its leaf. Do I plant this thing? If
so, do I carve away all of the attached leaf? When do I know when to stop
carving? If it's too young this year, will the bulbil next year be viable?<

Leave the bulbil alone till the leaf withers, and then plant it with the
'bottom' side up, in otherwords with the attachment point which is concave
UP. When the plant is large/mature enough, it will produce larger bulbils,
and more, some at the juncture of the various leaf segments.

>Is there an archive of this list?<

Yes, but someone else needs to tell you how to acess them!

>Thanks in advance,
Carol Ann

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