From: SCHERBERICH earmag at> on 2000.09.07 at 14:27:57(5356)
Dear Alan,
Regarding item #2, I have never heard of such a Philodendron species from French
Guiana. Correct me if I am wrong but I strongly suspect it to be Philodendron
polypodioides which is a wonderful species, close to Philodendron pedatum but
very narrowly lobed so that it more looks like a fern than an aroid !
Also the correct name for item #5 is Philodendron billietiae, also a very
attractive species with its yellowish-orange petioles.
With best regards,
| +More | a *crit :
> ITEM #2
> =======
> one Philodendron Polpoides-- a deeply lobed vining type. Very little
> leaf blade between the veins.
> ITEM #5
> =======
> three cuttings Philodendron billietii long leaf form -- very nice
> elongated leaf form of this nice, new species. Each of the three cutting
> is a different plant size small medium and large. I guess the high bid
> will get the biggest plant of it. *** to be auctioned as 3 separate
> plants ***
David Scherberich
3, rue de Labroque
67000 Strasbourg