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Re: Strelitzia
From: hermine hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 2000.09.07 at 19:05:48(5368)
At 07:27 AM 09/07/2000, Paul Tyerman wrote:
> >
> >I understand that there's a dwarf form of Strelitzia reginae which grows
| +More |
>less than 3 feet high. Does anyone know of any sources? (I probably don't
>have enough room for yet one more plant, but why should I let that stop me...)
> > Les
It is all over southern California and is used as an underplanting for
washingtonia palms in MALLS. it is not hateful.
my own favourite Strelitzia is the one with virtually no leaves. "Quiver of
arrows" it is called in its native haunts. some forms have NO LEAVES at all.
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