At Silver Krome Gardens Inc.
Homestead Florida
Albert Huntington wrote:
> Aroiders,
> I believe this topic may have come up before, but as responses tend to be
> private and therefore not archived, I am asking it again.
> After talking to some of us who will be traveling from afar to the Miami area
> for the IAS Show and Sale, I know that many of us are trying to figure out
> where else in the Miami area we might want to visit should we happen to have
> any cash left after the Show and Sale.
> Could some of the many Floridians on the list suggest some nurseries to visit
> in the Miami area, keeping in mind that a lot of us are no doubt interested in
> various rare/exotic plants, and not exclusively Aroids?
> Some suggestions in the past have been: Dewey Fisk's place, Palm Hammock
> Orchid Estate, Zone Ten nursery. I am hoping to see some more in the same
> vein.
> Thanks in advance.
> --Albert
> =====
> Albert Huntington San Jose, CA U.S.A.
> Visit my greenhouse at:
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