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Re: Alocasia potting mix
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (plantnut) on 2000.09.27 at 19:30:04(5475)
What is your new mix for Anthuriums... Mine needs changing also...
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>On expert advise, I changed the potting mix I was using for anthuriums and
>suddenly am seeing them flourish as they never had before. They had grown
>*adequately* in Pro-Mix but never as they're growing now. Consequently,
>it's dawning on me that I should be changing other potting mixes rather
>than trying to get everything to grow in Pro-Mix.
>So - what are people's favorites for Alocasias? Specifically, I've had
>problems with Black Velvet getting terminal cases of dwindles. I suspect
>that Pro-Mix doesn't drain well enough. Obviously I could just add some
>perlite but why stop there? I'll glady purchase whatever
>glass combination people recommend and see what happens.
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