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Re: Alocasia potting mix
From: Lester Kallus lkallus at earthlink.net> on 2000.09.27 at 19:39:26(5476)
I changed to 1/3 long fiber sphagnum, 1/3 course perlite (really course) & 1/3 phalanopsis mix (which included bark & charcoal).
There has to be some better way of growing Alocasias than Pro-Mix since we're both seeing some dwindling in it. Yes, the tough ones survive but how about the more difficult ones? I'll gladly change to some ideal mix if it improves the outcome.
| +More |
At 02:08 PM 9/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>OK, I'll bite....what did you change TO for your anthuriums, on expert
>advice, Lester??
>My Alocasia wendti and Black Velvet both dwindled in ProMix...others are
>doing well so far but with temps maybe dipping into the 30s be weekend here
>it is time to do something!! BTW my A. bulbifers are finally up and out.
>Not too good on seasons, those guys.
>Clear skies,
>|Al Wootten, Slacktide, Sturgeon Creek at the Rappahannock|
>|Astronomer (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/) |
>|genealogy homepage http://members.tripod.com/~astral |
>|Deltaville, Virginia (804)776-6369 |
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