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Anthurium giganteum
From: "Scott Lucas" htbg at ilhawaii.net> on 2000.12.05 at 20:23:01(5751)
Recently we have been propagating all of our species Anthurium by seed and
have had success with all except Anthurium giganteum. We have two plants of
this species and they are quite mature, with enormous heart-shaped leaves
six feet long by three to four feet wide, on petioles up to seven feet long.
They flower quite regularly throughout the year and the inflorescence is not
only large and colorful (pink-red) but very sweetly fragrant. We have tried
crossing between the two and selfing without success. Does anyone on this
list have any thoughts on this?
With all best wishes to you all for a very Happy Holiday Season,
Scott A. Lucas
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Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 80
Papaikou, HI 96781
Phone: (808) 964-5233
FAX: (808) 964-1338
email: htbg@htbg.com
Web Site: www.hawaiigarden.com
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