From: grsjr at (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.04.05 at 06:18:31(578)
Here is the standard information on AEG:
The Arisaema Enthusiasts Group is worldwide sharing information, seed,
corms, etc. The price for joining is to send three things:
1. A list of your collection of A. species with numbers of plants sorted
(mature), (flowered), (set seed), (immature), (seedlings), (died) with
initials for sources if you wish.
2. Your hardiness zone.
3. Your snail-mail address. Seed don't travel the internet too well.
We send you the membership list, the most comprehensive species list in
world, a great bibliography, a copy of your collection inventory, and a
called 'Who's Got What' so you can see who's growing the one you crave.
group also publishes world wide source lists for seed and corms and
a Web Page on Arisaema .
We now support a discussion list, Arisaema-L, for members. The list is
principally for information on Arisaema, but includes other hardy aroids
such as Arum, etc. We recommend Aroid-L for discussions on tropical
and tender aroids.
If you're interested, drop me a line, or an E-mail, with the information.
G.R. Stilwell, Jr.
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