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Re: Amorphophallus Question
From: mburack at mindspring.com on 2001.03.09 at 16:02:37(6027)
It is virually impossible to tell (when a tuber first ?sprouts?) if it will be a leaf or an inflorescence?.The other species you mentioned can be treated the same as konjac??.(since you could also pot up konjac before it blooms). All you have to do to avoid any rot problems, are just keep the watering down to a minimum until you know what it is?
roid-l@mobot.org wrote:
| +More |
> Question:
Most of my Amorphophallus are not blooming size so the only real experience
I have had is with A. konjac. However, I do believe some other species might
be large enough to bloom this year.
When I see new growth beginning, I can't tell is it is going to be a
petiole/leaf or a flower so I have potted them. I have also been watering
them and they are growing. However, my konjacs are never in soil when they
bloom so I never water them.
How should I treat these other species (right now A. krausei, A. odoratus,
and A.unknown-a species that seems to be more common than it once was)? Is
there a rule of thumb for all the species?
After I pot them and the growth emerges from the soil, do I water them?
MJ Hatfield
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