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Re: addresses for the Typhonodorum Lindleyanum
From: "Maurice & Henriette Hinterding" hinterding at dutch.nl> on 2001.03.17 at 15:24:41(6050)
Hola Brain, I was also one of them who would love to receive a couple of
Typhonodorum's. Please sent them to:
Royal Rotterdam Zoological & Botanical Gardens, t.a.v. M. Hinterding,
Botanical Department, Van Aerssenlaan 49, 3039 KE Rotterdam, Holland. Hope
to hear from you.
Maurice Hinterding
work: m.hinterding@rotterdamzoo.nl
home: hinterding@dutch.nl
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: addresses for the Typhonodorum Lindleyanum
> At 22:41 13-3-01 -0600, you wrote:
> >OK well while on my trip all the e-mails with everyone's address that was
> >interested in the Typhonodorum Lindleyanum disappeared. So I know a few
> >off hand but. If you could please send again. I plan to send the plants
> >Monday. Also if anyone else is interested in the plants. Please e-mail me
> >THANKS sorry
> >_________________________________________________________________
> >Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
> hoi Brain
> great to hear from ye again and see our webpage at www.hortus-vu.nl and it
> would be great for a couple of them Typh's
> tuin der Vrije Universiteit
> Amsterdam,Van der Boechorststraat nummer 8, NL - 1081 BT Amsterdam,The
> Netherlands.
> kindest
> regards Hans
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