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Re: Off the subject (again)...Free to GREAT home
From: jim singer jsinger at igc.org> on 2001.03.19 at 01:11:01(6052)
nyles, if you can't find a home for it, i've got room for it here. the
non-variegated sort grow like weeds here.
At 09:08 AM 3/18/01 -0600, you wrote:
| +More |
>Hello All!
>I have a variegated Traveler's Palm (Ravenala madagascariensis), the only
>one that I know of, that I'd like to find a good home for.
>It's 3 years old, and stands about 4ft tall.
>It's not that I want to get rid of it, It's just that Tucson Arizona is
>too borderline to safely raise it as it starts to get large. Bringing it
>in on cold nights, and during the entire winter is just not going to work.
>I'd like to see it in a botanical garden of some sort, but am open to any
>All I ask for is a few "pups" when it forms offshoots, and shipping costs.
>Many thanks!
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