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Re: Suwannee Laboratories address
From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 2001.03.29 at 03:20:44(6106)
Many times one is able to obtain plants from other parts of the world in
gardens of yet different parts of the world. I have seen Colombian anthurium
in the middle of Indonesia, well grown at that, and alocasias in the middle
of remote areas of Ecuador both in residential gardens and in local plant
dealer sales or decoration areas. You forget that many of the plants of the
world were some of the original things taken to the New World and back again
to homelands. Another words, you can find really oddball plants in very
illogical places just because someone loved them or they were a tag along one
way or another. To say it came from Brazil could well be true, but where it
was originally from could be anywhere and most likely Asia.
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