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  Re: Aroids
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.04.02 at 03:37:49(6128)
Dear Frank,

Sounds like you have been growing these things with great sucess! I`d like
to try to determine which variety of Colocasia esculenta you are having such
sucess with, if it is C. E. esculenta, the 'dasheen' variety, or C. e.
antiquorum, the 'eddoes' variety, or maybe even Xanthosoma sagittifolia, so
will ask a few questions---are the leaves peltate or sagittate, in other
words are the 'inner sides of the 'V' in the leaf blade partially closed in
to form a sort of 'U', or do they stay open in a 'V' down to the petiole or
stem? Where did your plants originate?? Are the tubers which they produce
elongate, say 7-10" long by 2-3" thick, or more oval and round, and are
multple small tubers produced, or just a couple larger rounder tubers?? I
may be able to get a couple other cultivars locally here in Florida for you,
some are quite cold tollerant. I can also send you GOOD recipes for your
excess tubers!!!

I look forward to hearing from you.


Julius Boos

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