----- Original Message -
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 11:50 PM
Subject: optimizing Amorphophallus growth
> Will an amorphophallus grow appreciably better planted directly in the
> ground than it does in a pot? I picked up a 4" paeoniifolius tuber while
> visiting Selby last week and want it to grow the most possible over this
> next growing season. What's best for it?
> The trade offs are:
> In the ground it will have unlimitted root growth. It's a high compost
> soil mix that can be fertilized in any way the plant wants. The problem
> though is that once late September comes around, evening temperatures will
> begin to drop significantly. In mid October, nights will begin to dip in
> the 40s.
> In a pot, I could bring it into the greenhouse whenever it would be
> recommended. Unfortunately, it would be going from a sunny location to
> open shade since my greenhouse gets direct sunlight only when the oak
> leaves are down. Also, it might not be able to get quite so much sunlight
> in a pot as it would in the soil.
> So - what's best?
> Les