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Fwd from: [Variegated] Taro 'Elepaio'
From: Don Martinson llmen at execpc.com> on 2001.04.17 at 01:55:22(6187)
Perhaps someone on Aroid-l can help this individual.
>X-Sender: variegate@brucepeters.com
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>X-Apparently-To: Variegated@yahoogroups.com
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>To: Variegated@yahoogroups.com
>From: variegate@brucepeters.com
>Mailing-List: list Variegated@yahoogroups.com; contact
>Delivered-To: mailing list Variegated@yahoogroups.com
>Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 18:17:42 -0000
>Reply-To: Variegated@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [Variegated] Taro 'Elepaio'
>I just posted a photo of the variegated Taro 'Elepaio.'
>anyone know where to get this? I took this photo at the Hawaiian
>Tropical Botanical Gardens a few years back but they said at the
>time that they couldn't sell any. Any help in locating is
>super-greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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