Ron (Soothing Music)
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: Planting seedlings
| In spite of the hokey advertising on the label... Use a product called
| "SuperThrive".... Soak the seedlings for about 20 min. in a 5 drop per
| solution... Stronger than the lable says... but, it will not hurt....
| Dewey
| >Hello all,
| >(Especially Mr. Stinky, now taller than me!)
| >
| >I received some Amorphophallus seedlings- about 8" (20cm) in height.
| >had their roots in moist paper toweling and were in plastic bags. They
| >arrived pretty damaged- some had their tops "mushed" right off.
| >
| >My question is: Before planting, is there something I can do to help
| >poor babies?
| >The tiny tubers (tuberettes??) were wet for a week- that can't be good
| >them.
| >
| >Would a captan or rootone dusting help before planting? Or would that be
| >too toxic for the roots?
| >
| >Thanks for any suggestions!
| >Susan