Lovely little Callopsis volkensis and the
Titan? These perversions must STOP! Great Danes
with a Chihuahua! Snapping
Godzillas! I'll alert my village Botanic Garden and they'll
hide their little Tanzanian refugee. Just carry on Genetic
Engineering the nice way you were doing. Your
medication is having side effects, you gotta big problems, please change it
for the sake of us all. I'll be glad when full moon comes
and ritual luridity is over and I can howl in Peace . It's time Ireland
was nuclear. Will someone please film the miscagenation
for Judge Judy later.
Morning fellow
Dear Scott,
(Tearfully with sniffle) Thanks for heap
big hankerchief for Little Green Sneeze. I'll change the
meditation for medication and everything will be greener neat and cooler
white. The new victim Editor have given Aroideanapeter his
whereabouts? The chihuahua must run now.
Please EVERYBODY join IAS TODAY and be
saved! PLEASE!
---- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 3:23
Subject: Re: titanum blooms
In a message dated
5/8/2001 8:19:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
When are you going to make hybrids?
Bonaventurehow bout crossing it with Callopsis
volkensii? tsuh yang chen, nyc, USA