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teaching about plants
From: ERTELTJB at ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu on 1997.04.21 at 15:46:07(655)
Yes, this post does have to do with plants, continuing to share the word
about their values on many different levels, and can be, though is not
necessarily, about this favorite family alone.
I am currently working on a Masters degree in science education, and am
exploring the use/potential use of various plants in teaching. I can tell
by some of the postings that we have a wide range of people interested in
sharing about plants, on this and the three other listserves to which I
subscribe. I have developed a survey through which I hope to hear about
numerous plants and plant parts which are or could be used in teaching.
I am hoping to receive responses from a wide range of plant-oriented
people; teachers, commercial and hobby growers, researchers, botanical
and zoological gardens educational folks and growers. The survey is
designed to be both fun and thought-provoking, and not to take too long.
If you are interested in and/or feel like you might be able to contribute
to this project, please email me privately (not to this list) through my
email address listed below, and include your snail mail address for a
copy of the survey, complete with a stamped return envelope.
I look forward to hearing from many of you! Thanks.
- Jonathan Ertelt
P.S. For folks interested in participating on an international level,
I will need instructions on money needed for return postage of first class
mail of an ounce or less. Thanks.
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