From: Scott Hyndman hyndman at> on 2001.05.24 at 05:22:27(6550)
Dear Ron,
WELL DONE!!! And welcome to you too as a new member of the IAS, and for the
fantastic potential and future that you have in store for all of us! You
have no idea how excited and happy that so many of us are to have someone of
your caliber being our Newsletter Editor. You are the shot in the arm that
this society has needed for a good long time. Please do continue to let us
all know how we can help you.
Best regards, Scott
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Mr. Scott Hyndman
International Aroid Society Web Site
Vero Beach, Florida, USA
USDA Hardiness Zone 10a
on 5/23/01 11:20 PM, Ron Iles at wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> It was only YESTERDAY that I was made aware that there has been NO
> Newsletter since September 2000...NO Newsletter in 2001! Members could
> ONLY use PUBLIC Aroid-L to relate to the IAS!. So, apart from "Aroideana"
> (which without a "balancing" Newsletter might appear to be a little too
> "Scientific"...?), you had no Special Place for our Whole Group? Members
> did not get two of the QUARTERLY Newletters. But, the picture and possible
> destinations are clearer now. And so, IAS Friends, you may have been
> frustrated, angry, disappointed, whatever, but you still remained tolerant
> and tried to be understanding and so a big thank you. Your kind forbearance
> must and will be reciprocated by care and prompt remedies in future.
> I got the "held" material for the Newsletter about two weeks ago. I was
> receiving more new material until yesterday. Most of the new was being
> saved for the second Newsletter. However now I realise that this is your
> FIRST 2001 IAS Post, I will put all which is still topical, plus new
> material into a less small Issue. In unseemly haste I had already done my
> Editorial and major Edits and some layout by Monday ... The pages were set
> to be sent over Wednesday/Thursday night to dear Tricia in Pittsburgh for
> printing and then posting ASAP.
> Your FIRST 2001 Issue has now to be adapted sensitively to the newly emerged
> picture. Jurisdiction has been delayed for a few more days to obtain wiser
> judgment. The Editorial will then relate more aptly to the "missed"
> newletter scenario. A few details of the older "held" material will be made
> more topical. I received the Contents Listing for the next Aroideana last
> night. (Please can anyone email me NOTICE DETAILS for the September Event
> KNOW BY RETURN EMAIL...If you want me to design my own POSTAGE STAMP for the
> US Postal Service, brace yourself, otherwise, somebody email me the back
> page you used for free mailing with licence number.... please.
> The first 2001 Newsletter will be "June". For "Letters to the Editor" for
> the Second 2001 Issue, please email me personally or if it is for earlier
> consensus, or good publicity for IAS, through Aroid L Incidentally new
> member Carol Bonner has thoughtfully suggested reciprocal advertisements of
> her Society and IAS in our respective newsletters. Extended Publicity. I
> said "yes" obviously but her first notice would be in our second Newletter
> 2001.
> If Tricia can handle the print and mail shots I will produce one or two more
> Newletters before September. Then the News may be offered at greater and
> greater frequency to permit the "IAS" Post to become a vibrant DIALOGUE for
> the IAS Membership.
> Maybe the otherwise most regrettable discontinuity in newsletters has
> allowed time for positive reflection and evaluation for an even happier IAS
> in the future?
> Wherever you are in the World, the first IAS MEMBERS 2001 "Post" should be
> through your letter box in the first half of June.
> I hope 2001 is the beginning of a major increase in Members from all over
> the World who are as kind as those who established, developed and support
> the IAS. Carol has very recently joined. (Welcome!); please how many
> others have done the same please? (Your poor Irish NewsEd paid $30 US and
> has to work as well!). All your Aroid-L friends who aren't Members -
> PLEASE - IAS needs ALL your Support - PLEASE!
> Graciously
> Ron Iles