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  Re: Re: Re: GA3 in seed germination
From: "Nyles" metopium at hotmail.com> on 2001.05.30 at 13:32:43(6606)

I've used KOH and GA together without adjusting the Ph on new shoot and
flower growth with no problems.
Once you have the Potassium salt (KOH+GA), it is more potent than "plain" GA
(according to literature) and freely soluble in water.
That's how I'd personally go based on past experience.

Having said that, I am not saying the other method wouldn't work or that
this method will get you the outcome you desire.
I've just had big problems with ethanol (however small)+water and GA killing
tissue cultures.

If in doubt use both. I'd be curious how it turns out, either way.

Hope I've helped more than confused!


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