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Re: Insecticides
From: Don Martinson llmen at execpc.com> on 2001.07.07 at 14:36:52(6974)
> >Dave,
>>The soil mix with imidocloprid is quite hard to find even in the London area.
| +More |
> >Instead look for a new plant spray called Provado Ultimate Bug Killer which
>>is a mix of imidocloprid and methiocarb and is the first spray I have ever
> >had success with in killing spider mites.
> >Geoffrey Kibby
>Hello Geoffrey.
>Thanks for the advice about Provado Ultimate Bug Killer. I had no
>trouble finding it at DIY chains. It's been effective against mealy bug
>but the spidermite is still a problem.
Does anyone know if this product is available in the US?
Don Martinson
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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