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Amorph ID
From: Durightmm at aol.com on 2001.07.12 at 19:09:47(7027)
A number of amorphophallus without a flower are difficult to identify. As a
juvinal it is harder. I recently was sent one purported to be variablis but
it was bulbiferum, they are much like GONOTOPUS appear everywhere. It's
telltale bulbil at the leaf axels and anthocyanin color at the leaflet
margins proclaimed it's id. There are, as I understand, three species that
have the asexual reproductive "apparatus". bulbiferum, meulerii and
symoniaum (us?) If as the year wanes those who have a variablis orphan
please bookmark and remember me Joe Wright. I am in the IAS directory
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