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Re: Re: In-ground Planting Mix
From: "Dany Hervelle" bs246466 at skynet.be> on 2001.07.18 at 01:33:07(7061)
Hello list
Just about the discution of the coco fiber...
Last year,i had post a message about this subject,and remember having not
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negative avis,also is more was like that.I use it during more than a year
now and never had a so good soil for the culture of alocasia,that are my
favorit!All of my hundred
of alocasia love really that.I use it with mix of volcano stone,50/50.
of course,i grow all my plants in pots and mayby in plain grown it may be
bad...But in MY experience,i really love it!I use the one that is
conditioning in brick.
Good growin' to all
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