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Re: Soil mixes
From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2001.07.24 at 18:59:46(7108)
I'm interested in soil mixtures too. The plants I buy usually have some
sort of bark material in them. Speaking from a hobbyist point of view, the
only bark-like materials I can ever find are pine or cypress (which is a
pine, perhaps?) used for decorative mulching.
What is this bark growers use, and is it available on a retail basis?
My apologies to Dewey Fisk, who told me what he uses.... I should have
written it down.
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As for me, I just use a commercial mix like Schultz, and add GOBS of
perlite- seems like almost 50:50 mix. I use plastic pots for most of my
I'm going to try the dolomite (if I can find some), Thanks, Denis!
Susan Cooper
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