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From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2001.07.31 at 00:36:06(7194)
Hello! Well, on a trip I took two summers ago to Florida. I stopped into a
small nursery to look are a few plants. Their was a most unusual plant
growing on a tree the collector said he had gotten it on a trip to south
America. The plant look just like a small form or Amydrium I had seen but
this had thorns on the stems. The leafs were much like a miniature philo
elegance. Non of the leafs were bigger than my hands. Is their any aroids
that vine like this that have small thorns? I talked to the guy and he said
if it was still a live that I could have a piece. If I get the cutting I
will post a PIC then hopefully someone could ID it for me. THANKS
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