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Butterfly leafs
From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2001.09.04 at 15:02:11(7331)
One of the Colocasia I have with the unusual white spots has a very unusual
pup on the side. This pup has produced 5 leafs so far 1 leaf is normal
considering the white spots. The other 4 leafs has two end tip at the bottom
of the leaf. Giving it a butterfly shape to the leaf. One leaf actually
looks like two top portions of a Colocasia fused to make one leaf. I am
starting to think that this plant will never be normal as some plants grow
out of this unusual behavior. This plant is now 3ft and the newest leaf was
mutated with the butterfly leaf. I hope to show a few PICS before I get
ready for the show.
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