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Re: Paper on thermogenesis in Aroideana
From: Susan Cooper coops at execpc.com> on 2001.10.11 at 03:58:02(7617)
This was discussed on Aroid-L at one time, I'm sorry, I cannot remember
when, but a search of the arceives should show something....
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At 06:49 PM 10/10/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Marc Gibernau,
>i am sorry. i have the aroideana journal only
>1996-2000 (Vol.19-23)only i didn't see any thing you
>need in thermogenesis. If i get that one i will send
>it to you.
>with regards,
>--- Marc Gibernau wrote:
>> Dear aroiders,
>> I need a paper of Bay (1995) in Aroideana about
>> thermogenesis in aroids.
>> Could anyone help me by sending me a copy or a fax??
>> Thank you very much,
>> Sincerely yours,
>> Marc
>> Marc Gibernau
>> L.E.T. / Universite Paul Sabatier
>> U.M.R. 5552
>> 118 Route de Narbonne - Bat 4R3
>> 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
>> France
>> Tel: (33)-05-61-55-37-23
>> Fax: (33)-05-61-55-61-96
>> site internet: http://www.let.ups-tlse.fr
>> "Biologie des Interactions"
>COIMBATORE 641 046,
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