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  Re: Typhonium lindleyanum autumn treatment
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.10.18 at 15:14:38(7637)
You are welcome, Bonaventure!

Remember to put a layer of larva rock or stone, broken croc or whatever in
the bottom of their pots, this will keep the potting soil/mix ABOVE the
level of the water in the saucers, otherwise the soil will rot, stink, and
kill the plants if emersed under water! You have to water from above till
you see that the roots have emerged out of the drain-holes in the pots`
bottoms into the water.
Depends on how big a living room you have---at the very least, they should
grow to 4-5' with a 4-5' spread, IF you can supply enough heat and light!
They are considered one of the 'giant' aroids!

Good luck,


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