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  Re: Extinction and Loss of Habitat
From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2001.11.07 at 00:37:29(7760)
three BILLION years of
Evolution less advanced & inappropriately specialised
kinds were SLOWLY replaced by more advanced kinds.. Except for
simpler kinds which could adapt very fast, sudden catastrophes &
cataclysms intermittently delayed or set back Evolution. Over
most of Modern Man's three MILLION years he was part of that Evolution in stable
dynamic equilibrium with other kinds. But increasingly
over the past two centuries, when he was powered by machines, & the past
twenty years when you could argue he used & is manipulated by mind machines,
most other kinds on earth have been subject to his mushrooming
cataclysms. Thousands of times more kinds have been made extinct
in the past century than in the entire period since Ape Man first walked
upright. Please look at the Red Book of Endangered
Species. You are right in saying that these "could not keep up with
the changing world" = the cataclysms of Man. Few "Higher Forms" of
Life could, and far from being "failures of one sort or another" modern wild
kinds were the glorious successes of over three BILLION YEARS of
Evolution. Barring total Planet sterilisation, an optimistic scenario is
that that Man, a "Higher Form" of Life, psycho-socially & environmentally
will be a victim of his own cataclysm alongside other Higher Forms. And
the most adaptable "Lower Life" will take over & Evolution will be restored
probably without his inabilities to adapt to them. If he is
not capable of achieving concord for himself within a stable dynamic equilibrium
with all other successful kinds, then Man is certainly "a failure of one
sort or another".

I was dealing with Man's Posterity after temporarily suspending
Evolution of Life on this Planet.

(The following immortal words by one of your simple but advanced
unspecialised Native peoples who lived in stable dynamic equilibrium with
Evolution on the Planet like other Native Peoples - Would you call of them
failures? Your Chief Seattle said - 1842 I think?) "What will
happen to the Spirit of Man when all the great Beasts have gone" We are
surely in the midst of knowing the answer now?

Ron Iles.

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