Emphatically YES!!!!! A Meteor hit the planet or some other major upheaval
caused global changes that afected each and every habitat on the planet.
This was the ULTIMATE habitat loss example. This was on a planetary scale,
rather than being on a minor scale for a given species.
I would have said that Dinosaurs were a good example of how habitat loss
affects everything, rather than an example of how it doesn't.
>Most species have died out because they are failures of one sort
>or another or are not able to keep up with a changeable world.
I assume therefore that you feel Dinosaurs were one such failure because
they weren't able to cope with climate (and habitat) change due to a
planetary extinction event. They existed in domination of this planet for
over 100 Million years before whatever caused the planetary change (This
statement is not meant to step on any toes of those religions who do not
believe in evolution.... please let us not go there!). I don't call that
an evolutionary dead-end!!
Been a Dinosaur lover since way back, which is why I thought I'd bring this
up. As I said, they are the ultimate example of the affects of Habitat
Loss!! Shows just how dependant EVERYTHING is on its habitat and how
catastrophic the loss of it's habitat is to it.
Paul Tyerman
Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9
Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Crocus, Cyrtanthus,
Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything else that
doesn't move!!!!!