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From: "Lasala . Ralph" choy at admu.edu.ph> on 2001.11.07 at 15:44:52(7768)
I am a faculty member of a university here in Manila, Philippines. I
belong to a research group working on plant biodiversity and conservation
biology. We plan to formally start a research lab for studies on tropical
aroids, especially aquatic aroids. This includes in vitro propagation,
comparative cytogenetics, morpho-anatomic investigations, and ecological
assessment studies. Previously, we had enough funding from a government
agency. This allowed us to acquire new equipment to furnish our lab.
Right now, we are proud to say we have a well-equipped lab already.
However, we have not yet started actual scientific work because the
funding is insufficient. Does anybody know where to get funding for this
kind of project? We just need to buy the remaining glasswares, reagents,
and other consummables for the lab.
Please advice.
Ralph Lasala
| +More |
Department of Biology
Ateneo de Manila University
Manila, Philippines
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