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  Heating tables and anything else
From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2001.11.13 at 04:21:25(7813)
Hello! Well, on my quest to have the perfect growing environment for my
plants I have been looking into heating cables which can heat tables also
the ground outside to make partially hardy plants make it threw the winter.
As I have been searching I have found a very interesting link with an
unusual heating cable for sell. This product may have some very interesting
uses. It is not a wire but some other material. I have been talking to a guy
at this site for a week or two. he is helping me design my heated tables and
from the way it sounds it should work out well. Each table has a heated wire
ran threw them with plastic on top and a capillary mat which stays moist on
top. The temps on the table stay at 80 or a bit higher.

Here is the website I think a few may find this product interesting and it
could be used for a number of things. Not to mention its only$00.02 a foot
and is very low watts.

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